Sports mirror life's ups & downs. Wins bring joy, losses teach resilience. Athletes cherish victories & learn from defeats. Each moment shapes their journey, highlighting growth & perseverance. As an athlete myself, sports photography holds a special place in my heart as it gives me the opportunity to showcase these highs and lows that I experienced myself.

With any event I have gone to, from high school prom to Catholic youth conferences, reliving these memories through pictures is one of my favorite past times. With event photography, I am given the opportunity to capture each miniscule and grand detail that gets lost in the bustle and put it on display for everyone to relive.

Street photography captures the soul of a place through frozen moments. It's about exploring stories in busy streets and quiet corners. Each new location holds countless tales waiting to be captured - from architecture to everyday scenes and diverse faces. It offers a glimpse into any given place’s essence, showcasing its spirit and vibrant narratives.

Portrait photography is not just about taking pictures; it is a delicate art that showcases the person behind the story and marks transitionary moments in our lives. Each portrait is a vivid tale of evolution, embodying the spirit of a specific moment with elegance and genuineness. From an athlete on media day to a radiant college graduate, there is a portrait awaiting to showcase each individual.